It all began with an idea.

A dream.

Hope for the future, and a life you wanted to create.

You wanted freedom - freedom of time, to be with family and friends more. Financial freedom, to be able to live without the constant pressure of standards to produce, and the glaring weight of demanding supervisors and managing directors. Freedom to be able to choose niches and projects on your own terms, highlighting your interests, and work only with those clients who light you up or produce products you’re passionate about.


Here you are, feeling like you’re drowning. As each day passes, you’re catching yourself resenting your business and the people or things in it more and more, feeling like you’re under the thumb of a ‘boss’ all over again, when that’s the biggest thing you wanted to escape. Instead of being able to realize your dreams, you’re just left feeling trapped, burnt out, and lost. Your business is both running you and consuming you.

There is a time to care for your business, but there’s also a time to care for you.

Your identity cannot - and should not - ever be about what you do. It is about who you ARE.

You are a whole entire human being - full of thoughts, feelings, emotions, worries, dreams, wants, needs, and so much more - and it is ridiculously simple to lose touch with all those things when you’re caught on the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship.

Listen, I get it.

I’ve been self-employed for the better part of a decade, through multiple businesses, and what feels like a million little lessons learned the hard way. I’ve gone through moments of relationships suffering because I lost perspective on what I really value, and I’ve had moments of realizing the toll my stress was taking on my body. I’ve had to confront the hard choices about business structure and time management, in order to get my priorities back where they really needed to be. I didn’t know what I didn’t know - and the same holds true for you. No one taught any of us how to run a business or be an entrepreneur, most of us didn’t go to school to learn the ins and outs of business, and so much of this path can feel like trial by fire. It’s easy to end up feeling isolated, stuck in imposter syndrome and a fixed mindset, dealing with fatigue, burnout, and more - just to feel like you can’t talk about it, and have your personal life suffer because of it.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Going from employee to entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. It requires courage and bravery, a whole bunch of risk tolerance, and most of all -


I developed the GRIIT and POWER methods to take entrepreneurs - like you - from stuck to thriving and climbing. The pillars of these systems address ways to get unstuck, so you can get busy creating the life and relationships you’ve desired all along.

Some say that professional success is the dream - but you’ve been there, done that.

The ultimate rebellion is personal success.

You deserve to live fully, bringing your dreams to life, and loving this ride the whole entire way.

Let’s get to work.

Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs



This covers weekly sessions and unlimited Voxer access in between sessions.